Our Team


Christine Robertson

Executive Director

Christine Robertson works with foundation board, school district and school board to align and advance fundraising, grant-making and innovation priorities. Christine started her career as a public high school teacher and later went on to serve as a Chief of Staff in the California State Senate and Assembly. In 2013, she co-founded and led the Institute for Advanced Technology & Public Policy at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, a nonprofit multidisciplinary applied research Institute that invested in faculty and student led innovation projects. Christine’s husband is a high school special education teacher and together they have two school-aged children.


Board of Directors

The San Luis Coastal Education Foundation Board of Directors include SLCUSD parents, alumni, current and retired SLCUSD employees, and a diverse array of local community leaders, business owners, and professionals.

a photo of the board of directors for the San Luis Coastal Education Foundation

Dave Bernhardt, M.D.
Kelli Cole
Janet Gould
Lindsey Haring
Ron Holcombe

Melissa James
Steven Jobst, M.D.
Joey Leslie
Beth Marino, Esq.
Lyle Meek

David Mitchell
Marty Moroski, Esq.
Clint Slaughter, M.D.
Stephanie Shepherd
Andrea Soderin

Bill Thoma
Stacey White
Matthew Woods
Lisa Yamashita

Dr. Eric Prater, Superintendent (Liaison)
Chris Ungar, School Board (Liaison)

This foundation was launched in recognition of the growing opportunities and challenges ahead for our students and teachers. Our community is stepping up and declaring our shared commitment to invest in the next generation of civic leaders, inventors, creators and entrepreneurs.
— Honorable Sam Blakeslee, Ph.D., Founding Chairman of the Board of San Luis Coastal Education Foundation